Jazzfest Food Signs
The collage represents just a few of the goodies to be found at Jazzfest. Most are to be had for about $5.00. For a list that includes all the dishes that are available, go to the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival website , then click on "food & crafts," then on "Jazz Fest Food List." Stay tuned for the next Unique Culinary Adventures post which will feature some of the actual dishes.
Closer to home, we have several music festivals slated for this coming summer in Baltimore. After Artscape on July 20, 21, and 22, will be The Chesapeake Blues Festival on August 4 and 5 at Sandy Point State Park. On the same dates as the Chesapeake festival will be The Virgin Festival at Pimlico Race Track. Hot August Blues happens at Oregon Ridge on August 18, and finally, there's the Baltimore Blues Society's Picnic on the grounds of the Rosedale American Legion Hall on September 2. Just don't expect to find as much to choose from in the way of food. You might want to pack a picnic from home.