Hog Jowl Bacon

The only commercial packager of hog jowl bacon that I'm
aware of is the Cumberland Gap Provision Company, a processor of smoked pork products owned by Smithfield Foods. I called the company to find out if hog jowl bacon was distributed to the Baltimore area. A salesperson informed me that the only store nearby that could have it would be Food Lion. I checked at two of the handful of nearby stores, and didn't find any. My first encounter with hog jowl bacon was in Central Florida at a Publix west of New Smyrna Beach. Hog jowl was by far the least expensive bacon choice available.

On the other hand, if measured by the amount of meat rendered when cooked, it's possible that hog jowl bacon
could have been the most expensive choice that Publix had available. Once the fat's been rendered, you end up with very little bacon, and it tends to fall apart into pieces, less so if you have a bacon press. Nuking hog jowl bacon has never worked for me nearly so well as for other kinds of bacon. Low moderate heat in a frying pan does a much better job. Properly cooked, the taste and flavor of hog jowl bacon are more pleasing to me than of any other kind of commercially packaged bacon I've ever tried.

An additional use for hog jowl bacon that you could be reading about here for the first time is to lard birds to keep them moist and flavorful through roasting. Last night I roasted another one of those "wild ducks" from the AA Supermarket for an uninterrupted 23 minutes at 500 F. Not only were the ducks cooked perfectly (better after one minute more than the 22 minutes originally recommended in that post), so were the little pieces of hog jowl bacon that I couldn't resist picking off of the duck and eating before even getting to the table.
Best Bacon in the world. Can this be ordered/
It is great. Hopefully great for carbonara. I will try it later... Claudette
ps I should start selling this online lol
The sliced is too thin. I buy the whole jowl and cut in 1/4-inch slices, cut off the rind and bake at 350. I pour off the grease every 5 minutes or so and continue baking until brown. This method makes the meat into a crunchy chip. I cook on New Years Day, Easter Sunday as I give up swine (and bovine) for Lent, and 4th of July. It ain't diet food.
How do you pronounce "Jowl Bacon"?
Is it "jole" or "jowl". In Indiana they say "jole" "joel" bacon. Please someone settle this dispute.
How do you pronounce "Jowl bacon"? Is it "jole" oe joel"? In Indiana they say "joel". Please help me settle this dispute. I say "jowl"...like the jowls of a pig.
Just like you, I say "jowl." Never heard it said any other way.
it's pronounced like 'owl' with a j on the front end. Not difficult. Loose-ianians often PREnunce things a bit diffe-arantly. It's all that French blood. ;)
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