Lima Bean Casserole

Note that I say "adapted" and not "copied." That's about measurement. The original recipe calls for "1 package frozen lima beans," and gives no size or weight. Through the years I always had great success using flat boxes weighing 10---or was it 12? ounces. That's how lima beans were typically packaged in those days. Whatever their weight, they weighed distinctively less than the 16 ounce plastic bags that are more prevalent today. So adjustments were made.
1 16 ounce package frozen lima beans
3/8 pound sliced fresh mushrooms
6 tablespoons butter
3/8 cup chopped onions
1 1/2 cup shredded cabbage
1 1/2 teaspoon salt and some pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons soy sauce
3 tablespoons shredded parmesan/romano cheese (original recipe says grated parmesan)
Preheat oven to 350 F. Cook beans according to package directions. Drain and turn into a shallow casserole. Cook sliced mushrooms, onions, and cabbage in butter until soft. Add to the beans along with salt, pepper, and soy sauce. Sprinkle cheese over the top and bake 15 to 20 minutes. Serves 4
Adapted from a recipe contributed by Edward L. Brewster to Private Collections: A Culinary Treasure, copyright 1973 by Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore Maryalnd
I know you are a good cook BUT nothing in this world could make me eat lima beans. They are the food I flick out of my crab soup.
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